
Thank you so much for my first painting lesson. I feel quite emotional, mostly because I regret that I didn’t do this decades ago! Well, there’s no time like the present…
Susan Calvin

New 6 week term October/November 2016

Art classes in south Dublin Learn paint oils  alla prima.
Art classes in south Dublin. Learn to paint in oils in the alla prima style.
Classes October/November 2016

The new 6 week term begins on October 25 and 27. Book now to secure your place.


Tuesday morning 10am-12.30pm.  Call 086 247 0737 or email: classes@mcsherry.ie

Tuesday evening 7pm-9.30pm  3 PLACES REMAINING Call 086 247 0737 or email: classes@mcsherry.ie


Thursday morning 10am-12.30pm.  2 PLACES REMAINING Call 086 247 0737 or email: classes@mcsherry.ie

Thursday evening 7pm-9.30pm 3 PLACES REMAINING Call 086 247 0737 or email: classes@mcsherry.ie

Payments for classes can be made by cash,  cheque, credit card and PayPal.