
Thank you so much for my first painting lesson. I feel quite emotional, mostly because I regret that I didn’t do this decades ago! Well, there’s no time like the present…
Susan Calvin

2016 Art Classes start back: Jan 19 & 21

Art classes south Dublin Learn paint oils alla prima
Art classes in south Dublin. Learn to paint in oils in the alla prima style.

Happy new year to all my friends. I hope you're all set for a productive and art-filled 2016.

The next 6 week term begins: Tuesday January 19 and Thursday January 21Book NOW by calling 086 247 0737 or email: kevin@mcsherry.ie



Tuesday morning 10am-12.30pm.  Call 086 247 0737 or email: catherine@mcsherry.ie
Tuesday evening 7pm-9.30pm Call 086 247 0737 or email: catherine@mcsherry.ie


Thursday morning 10am-12.30pm.  Call 086 247 0737 or email: catherine@mcsherry.ie
Thursday evening 7pm-9.30pm Call 086 247 0737 or email: catherine@mcsherry.ie

Payments for classes can be made by cash,  cheque, credit card and PayPal.