
Thank you so much for my first painting lesson. I feel quite emotional, mostly because I regret that I didn’t do this decades ago! Well, there’s no time like the present…
Susan Calvin

Art Classes Resume September 15 and 17

Art classes south Dublin Learn paint oils alla prima
Art classes in south Dublin. Learn to paint in oils in the alla prima style.
Art classes will resume on the week of September 15. As usual, classes are on Tuesdays and Thursdays: To book or make enquiries, please have a look at this page for more information.

If you are looking for a relaxed and fun class where you will learn much more than just how to paint, you'd be welcome to join us. There's also free freshly brewed coffee or tea (and biscuits!).

This is a 6 week term, running from September 15 - October 22. The subscription is €175. If you would like to secure a place, we would appreciate payment for the full term in advance.

I'd like to highlight that I can only run my classes on a full term basis -I can't split terms as I can't fill odd places.

My studio is run as a sanctuary for art and creativity; therefore, all payment matters arising during class hours should be directed to Catherine (she's usually available close by in the house).