
Thank you so much for my first painting lesson. I feel quite emotional, mostly because I regret that I didn’t do this decades ago! Well, there’s no time like the present…
Susan Calvin

181004 Silver & Chili Class Demonstration Alla Prima Oils Painting

A demonstration of alla prima (wet into wet) painting of a silver jug and chili pepper in the studio of Kevin McSherry
A demonstration of alla prima (wet into wet) painting of a silver jug and chili pepper in the studio of Kevin McSherry

From this mornings art class; a video of the demonstration of alla prima (wet into wet) painting. I used the Winton oils paints that I recommend to my beginner students: Titanium white, Cadmium Yellow Pale Hue, Permanent Rose, Cobalt Blue, Ivory Black and Burnt Umber (as an extra). The demonstration took about 25 minutes but I spent an hour after class adding details and working on the white ground.

A new term of art classes starts in my studio on October 23rd. 

A demonstration of alla prima (wet into wet) painting of a silver jug and chili pepper in the studio of Kevin McSherry
A demonstration of alla prima (wet into wet) painting of a silver jug and chili pepper in the studio of Kevin McSherry